Saturday 29 March 2014

The Winifred sew-along #6 - Front tuck darts centre dress front & shoulder seams

Morning all you fine sew-alonger's! Today's blog post we will be stitching up our front tuck darts, the dress center front seam, shoulder seams and also the collar.

If you're just joining us or  need a refresher below are all the previous Winifred sew-along blog posts:

So let's get started!


1. On the wrong side of the fabric, create both the tuck darts on the dress (1) by folding the fabric together along the marked lines. Pin in place.
2. Stitch along these marked lines from top top bottom of the dart.

 3. Press the darts flat to form a slight box pleat effect on the inside of the dress and also lightly press them on the right side of the dress.

* Apologies for the crinkles, i actually wore this Winifred to work all day :)


1. Right sides together stitch the front center seam of the dress together from the small dot at the neckline to the lower hem edge of the dress.
2. Right sides together stitch the center back seam of the collar together. Trim the collar seam and press open.

Clip the seams at the neckline. Finish seams and press the seam open

  1. Right sides together stitch the front and back of the dress together at the shoulder seams up to the collar only. Don't stitch the collar to the back neckline of the dress as yet.

2. Clip the seam close to the collar.


1. From the inside of the dress ease the neck edge of the collar into the back neck edge of the dress and pin in place. If you have completed Heather's post on adjusting the neckline and collar you can miss the easing into the neck edge part of this step and just pin the collar to the back neck edge and then continue with the upcoming steps.

2. Stitch the neck edge of the collar into the back neck edge of the dress.

3. Clip seams along the neckline.

4. Finish the shoulders seams and neckline seam and press them open. 

 5. Grab your two collar facing pieces (3) and stitch them together at the center back seam. Trim this seam and press open.

6. Place the dress collar and collar facing right sides together. Line up the collar edges, match the  notches and back center seams and pin in place.

7. Stitch the collars together, by stitching around the around edges all the way round. Start from the bottom edge of the collar and simply followthe shape of the collar as you stitch.

8. Clip the seams the entire way round this collar  seam and trim. Finish the raw outer edges of the facing as you desire. I use my over locker or just my pinking shears.

9. Turn the collar facing to the inside of the dress and give your new collar a  good press all over. 

10. Grab a needle and thread and on the inside of the dress tack the collar facing down to the front dress center seam and both of the shoulder seams. Tacking the collar facing will help keep your collar in place and stop it from turning to the outside of the dress.

Tomorrow's post we will assemble our belts, attach them and also hem our sleeves. 
Exciting times peoples, nearly at the finish line!

Happy Winifred sewing and weekend :)


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