Monday, 5 August 2013


Howdy sew-alongers! This week we are so close to the end of the Billie Jean sew along! So lets get started.

This sew-along post we will stitching up the side seams on Dress 1, and  throwing in a little hand stitching on Dress 2.Before we start, below are all the previous sew-along posts for you to eye-ball if you need:

#1 - Getting started
#2 -  Full Bust Adjustment
#3 - Assemble the bodice
#4 - Assemble the skirts
#5 - Dress 1 - Bodice to skirt
#6 - Attach the lining

#7 - Dress 2 - Side seams and attach bodice to skirt 
#8 - Dress1 - Centre back seam, skirt vent & Lapped zippers

Step 1 - Dress 1  Side seams

Open the dress lining away from the dress shell. Right sides together, pin the dress shell front to the dress back at the side seams, and do the same for the dress lining, make sure to match up all  of the waist and underarm seams.

Stitch the dress shell and dress lining side seams together in one continuous seam, starting from the hem. Repeat on  both of the dress side seams.
Finish the seams and press.
Turn your dress shell and lining right way out, and your done!

Dress 2 - Hand stitch the bodice lining to the waistline seam

Have you got ya needles and thread ready? We are going to be hand stitching the bodice lining on Dress 2 down to the waistline seam.

I have used an 'overcast stitch' to attach my bodice lining to the waistline, which helps to fold under the raw edge of the bodice lining, so you get a clean finish.

It is basically a diagonal stitch, spaced at even distance apart,  all the whole around the waistline and i find it to be the easiest way to stitch the bodice lining in place at the waistline and the most secure.

First off you need to pin your bodice lining in place, by folding it under so you get a clean edge and all raw edges are concealed and pinning it down to the waist line.

Starting from the either side of the back edge zipper opening, you can begin hand stitching it in place.

Woo hoo next blog post will be the last of the Billie Jean sew-along, we will be tackling the final task  the dress hems for both of the dresses and a few finishing touches here 'n' there.

 Wednesday the 7th of August is the official last day of the sew-along, so make sure you have your photos uploaded to the FLICKR GROUP so i have time to collate them and show them off on Friday 9th August! And giveaway some super cute prizes to the bestest Billie Jean dresses!

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