Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Bluegingerdoll Pattern Testers Wanted!

This week is getting even more exciting, because......I am  on the hunt for some pattern testers!
 I’d love a bit of extra help to make sure all the sizes of this first design get tested, so please put your  hand up if your an awesome gal who would love to lend a hand! 
This sounds like you and you have your hand raised, then keep on reading for a basic rundown of how it will work:
You will receive a  full copy of the pattern,  along with the instructions  in their basic form ( not pretty yet), as well as a questionnaire to fill out to give me some feedback on the pattern. You need to be able to work under a tight deadline (a 2 week turnaround), and preferably be at an  intermediate sewing level, but the instructions are clear enough for an advanced beginner, so if you think you can handle it, put your hand up as well!
 Get in contact by leaving  a comment below or send me an email-  abbyhorskins@gmail.com
Once the pattern is released for real, you will receive a copy of the  final pretty pattern version with all the trimmings, as well the opportunity to share your creation on the blog!
If i get alot of you awesome gals putting your hands up, than i need.. don't fret i will  keep your email on file to contact on the next design.


  1. Hey gal, I got your message thanks for thinking of me! I'm not the quickest sewer or very experienced either so unsure if I could give you the best feedback, but if you can't find enough gals I can surely give it a go!

    1. Howdy!

      Thanks for getting back to me! I totally think you would ok to sew this design, no probs at all! But for this design i have heaps of testers at the moment, so i will keep you on the list as a tester, for the next design :)


  2. hi again dear! thank you so much for following my blog ..i am also following you now..i am looking forward to your new posts :)

  3. Hi-I don't know if you're willing to have testers in the U.S. but I'd be willing to help you pattern test :-) If you still need testers...

    1. Hi Tara!

      Thanks for getting in contact, at this stage i have enough testers for this design, but i will definately keep you on the list for the next design! :)


  4. Hi Abby!
    I'm your newest GFC follower and I'd really be pleased to be a tester for your next design (I have a 4YO model too)
    You can check my sewing skills on myblog!


    1. Welcome and thanks for following along! :)
      I appreciate your interest in becoming a tester, but for this design i am all sorted for testers, but i will definately pop you on the list, on the next design!

      Thanks again, and your blog is rad!


Thank you so much for the visit and leaving a comment!
I totally appreciate them all!

Happy sewing!


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